PLEASE give a WARM EBPC WELCOME to our new Members – the truly lovely and extremely talented couple; Nadja & Sandro Tschudin of Switzerland - aka Kawasemi Studios! The EBPC are thrilled to be working with Nadja & Sandro, and to be able to bring their expertise and wealth of knowledge to you!
... As a bonsai related artform, Suiseki has long been displayed at high level bonsai exhibitions, both as an accent with a tree, as well as on their own. Thanks to their high power of suggestion, such stones reflect the essence of landscapes, people, animals and other objects. Through the art of suiseki, Kawasemi Studios help us to experience the entire universe and cultivate a mindful approach to ourselves and others. 'Our aim is to provide everything you need for Suiseki: stones, the wooden bases, Suiban, matching scrolls and also education and knowledge. Like this we want to share our love for stones and fine arts as well as raise people's awareness of how to combine elements in displays'. Kawasemi add an exciting new dimension to the EBPC. We are delighted to welcome Nadja & Sandro into the EBPC family and look forward to learning more about the world of Suiseki and Kawasemi Studios. You can view Kawasemi's POTTER PROFILE & GALLERY of WORKS here! Thank you for supporting the EBPC and great European Bonsai Potters.
Your support enables us to bring you more .. More Info, more Choice & more Value! The latest in high quality bonsai ceramics! IN-STORE NOW! Where exquisite aesthetics .. meets the latest in cutting edge technology!
Available IN-STORE NOW!! *EBPC DIRECT These pots are being sold by EBPC DIRECT - so will be sent to you DIRECTLY by the seller in Italy. Before Wood firing (those ash glaze deposits!! ) .. Whilst printing, some pots are deliberately deformed by manipulating and vibrating the printer. The magnificent patterns remain and follow the deformation creating a wave to the form. A unique and non-repeatable process. An inspiring fusion of traditional techniques and cutting-edge modern possibilities. Thank you for supporting great European bonsai ceramics! Grazie!! ありがとございます !! #Europeanbonsaipottercollective #europeanbonsai #gafuten #ebpcpot #igorcarino #akiten #bonsaipot #woodfiredpottery #3dprint #3dprinted #bonsaiceramics #3dprintedart #bonsaiitalia #bonsai #盆栽鉢 #盆栽 www.EuropeanBonsaiPotterCollective.Com Igor Carino - Unique design Handmade & 3-D printed woodfired pots. Available in the EBPC Online Store now. SUBMISSIONS TAKEN FROM 15th JULY - 28th NOVEMBER 2023! CALLING ALL BONSAI CERAMISTS of EUROPE In February 2024, Europe’s most prestigious bonsai exhibition will again be hosting the largest display of high-quality bonsai ceramics in Europe – the EBPC Trophy Pot Display! We love celebrating and bringing more attention to the pots! Since the EBPC first started pot displays in 2015, the POT DISPLAY has become an integral part of leading bonsai exhibitions across Europe, as it has been for many years in Japan. As enthusiasts and professionals alike attach increasing recognition to the importance of quality European bonsai ceramics, the main purpose of the display is to enhance appreciation in the art of bonsai pottery and to highlight the aesthetics and functionality of high-quality bonsai pots. The pot display will exhibit 100ft of the best in European bonsai ceramics and will be a great education for the general public and bonsai enthusiasts – in addition to being an integral part of Europe’s finest bonsai exhibition. Successful entrants will enjoy viewing their work on display at Europe’s most prestigious exhibition, and additionally each pot displayed will be forever recorded with a half page entry in the celebrated Trophy annual hardback book. Thank you for helping to support great European Bonsai Pottery Please JOIN US in welcoming new EBPC member - Igor Carino, of Italy !Please join us in welcoming a world-class artist, ‘Igor Carino’ as an EBPC member! This inspirational artist has dedicated himself to bonsai for 20 years and has been creating bonsai ceramics for 18. For the past decade, Igor has been researching how to realize his dream – creating bonsai ceramics through the fusion of traditional pot-building principles with cutting-edge modern technology. His exceptional 3D-Printed pots won 1st prize at the famous pot contest of the 47th Gafu ten in Kyoto, as well as contests in Europe. These fascinating pieces have incredible detail in their design and patterned finish, yet retain all of the charms of old Japanese anagama-fired ceramics. Each pot from this process is unique, and the pots have a superb wood-fired sheen, with flame signatures, and natural ash deposit glazes. Please read about these innovative pots and this great artist on Igor Carino’s EBPC Profile A LIMITED EDITION RANGE of Gafu ten winning design pots will be IN-STORE on FRIDAY at 18.00 GMT! A select range of these Gafu-ten winning design pots will be made available for EBPC customers tomorrow (Friday 21st April) in the EBPC Online Store. These award-winning pots are hand built at the base, and then, once designed and a computer program is built, they are 3D printed using traditional clay - high-quality Japanese or French stoneware. The pots are constantly attended to during this long process and then are finished by hand. The rim is then hand built, and once leather hard, areas of the pots are smoothed to a polished finish. The pots are then wood-fired for 11 hours, another process that requires constant attention, in a special high-temperature wood-fired kiln (1350°C), designed and built by ceramic artist and kiln expert Frederick L. Olsen. A mix between traditional Western wood kilns and Japanese kilns. #Europeanbonsaipottercollective #ebpcpot #igorcarino #bonsaipot #woodfiredpottery #3dprint #3dprinted #bonsaiceramics #bonsaiitalia #bonsai The U.K.'s premier bonsai show goes from strength to strength!
Many of the best trees in the U.K. were on display as well as suiseki and bonsai ceramics. The traders area was a treat for enthusiasts and traders alike, with trees from some of the UK's leading bonsai nurseries, pot dealers, potters, sellers of tools and everything else a bonsai aficionado could want! For a better idea of what was on display, Sylvestris Studios were comissioned to create a video documentary of the show, which is definitely worth a watch. You can find it here. The EBPC were asked to put on a bonsai pot display, which this year was in the theme of cascades. 'The Ups and Downs of Bonsai'. Here are just a few pics (didn’t get a minute to get more!) of the day and of some of the pot display. It was great to meet up with old friends as always. … pictured above - Les Storey with one of his winning trees, a stunning blackthorn in a gorgeous Stone Monkey pot … an excellent windswept Hawthorne display by Russ Farley, displayed on a table by DR Bonsai Tables … and I was nursed back to health by frog boy, Simon Haddon of Sukteki bonsai pots A few of the pots on display .. A few people were heard saying that this was the best show in the UK to date, and the quality, not only of the trees, but also of the intricacies of display, was very impressive. It is quite obvious from the exhibition that British enthusiasts are paying more attention to quality pot, stands, accents and display details. With some of the displays being at a high standard for a show anywhere in the world. Thank you to all of our customers! We doubled our best Expo sales ever again, and had the busiest and most enjoyable day! … Again, it has been very noticeable that year on year, British enthusiasts are buying better quality bonsai pots and are more knowledgeable about the quality European and Japanese pots and their charms. These wonderful pots, handmade in France, have some beautiful unglazed finishes and excellent glazes including; Okinawa, Mursakino, Lichen, Translucent Crackle Green. Check them out in-store NOW! -
#sabinebesnard #sabinebesnardceramics #ebpcpots #pottery #bonsai #bonsaipots #Europeanbonsaipottercollective #bonsaitree #crystallineglaze #bonsai #盆栽 #盆栽鉢 Thank you for helping support great European Bonsai Pottery! Return of The Trophy!In just 10 days from now, Europe’s most prestigious bonsai exhibition, 'The Trophy International Bonsai Exhibition' returns, after 2 years of being postponed due to Covid.
The EBPC has once again arranged for you, Europe’s largest display of exquisite bonsai pots. A 100ft display, this year featuring the ‘Best in European Bonsai Ceramics’! .. Not to be missed! Please also visit us at the EBPC Trade stand, where we will be hosting a few EBPC member artists and have some excellent bonsai ceramics available for sale. We can’t wait for all this exciting weekend has to offer, including catching up with everyone! We hope to see you there! The Trophy by Bonsai Association Belgium European Bonsai Potter Collective #ebpcpots #Europeanbonsaipottercollective #TheTrophy #bonsaiexhibition #bonsaipotdisplay #potdisplay
We are delighted to offer you this exceptional range of high quality pots by Yaruki Ceramics of Rome, Italy. These EBPC-stamped pots are a special edition range - that Yaruki has been perfecting. Each pot has an individual character with unique and meticulously attended detail and exquisite glazes and finishes. ** EBPC DIRECT - Your pot will be sent to you DIRECTLY from the artist in Italy. (No import charges to EU!) AVAILABLE NOW in the EBPC store #yarukiceramics #ebpcpot #bonsai #盆栽 #盆栽鉢 #bonsaiita #ceramics #bonsaipottery #shohin |
December 2024