By Elsebeth Bruun Ludvigsen - Denmark
By Elsebeth B. Ludvigsen
Elsebeth is a very talented and creative artist from Denmark who has been creating ceramics for bonsai since 1989. She specialises in unique, one of a kind pots for mame and shohin bonsai trees, and for kusamono (‘grass thing’ – displayed alone) and shitakusa (‘under grass’ – displayed as a companion to a bonsai).
The vast majority of Elsebeth’s work is thrown on a potter’s wheel, and then altered using a variety of carving and other techniques. Quality stoneware clays and porcelain are used to create her superb works. Elsebeth also makes her own glazes, and uses a lot of natural ingredients such as wood ash and lava sand.
‘My first inspirations came from Japanese potter Shoji Hamada and Bernard Leach of the U.K. I am inspired by nature and the Danish land and sea-scapes that surround me.’
Some of the pictures of Elsebeth’s pots in the following ‘potter showcase’ are from Morten Albek’s superb Shohin Bonsai book ‘Majesty in Miniature’ for which he has kindly given us permission to use.
Contact: Elsebeth B Ludvigsen,
E-mail: [email protected]
Commissions can be requested through us here.
Elsebeth is a very talented and creative artist from Denmark who has been creating ceramics for bonsai since 1989. She specialises in unique, one of a kind pots for mame and shohin bonsai trees, and for kusamono (‘grass thing’ – displayed alone) and shitakusa (‘under grass’ – displayed as a companion to a bonsai).
The vast majority of Elsebeth’s work is thrown on a potter’s wheel, and then altered using a variety of carving and other techniques. Quality stoneware clays and porcelain are used to create her superb works. Elsebeth also makes her own glazes, and uses a lot of natural ingredients such as wood ash and lava sand.
‘My first inspirations came from Japanese potter Shoji Hamada and Bernard Leach of the U.K. I am inspired by nature and the Danish land and sea-scapes that surround me.’
Some of the pictures of Elsebeth’s pots in the following ‘potter showcase’ are from Morten Albek’s superb Shohin Bonsai book ‘Majesty in Miniature’ for which he has kindly given us permission to use.
Contact: Elsebeth B Ludvigsen,
E-mail: [email protected]
Commissions can be requested through us here.
Potter Showcase
E.L.B. Pots
Some examples of past works from Elsebeth Ludvigsen
The ‘European Bonsai Potter Collective’ is brought to you by Alex Rudd and 40 leading artists – www.EuropeanBonsaiPotterCollective.Com
Member's works will regularly be available for sale in the EBPC Shop
Member's works will regularly be available for sale in the EBPC Shop