A dedicated family man, Andrew was a loving husband and father, and a loyal and caring friend to many, including myself. He will be sorely missed by many. Our thoughts go out to his wife Marie and family.
Andrew's work is therefore usually recognisable at a glance, as is often the case for the very best artists. Instrumental in the formation of the EBPC in 2017, Andrew was not only a big inspiration, but was also very supportive from the very inception. Many exquisite Stone Monkey Ceramics pots, with EBPC stamps, are now in the hands of enthusiasts worldwide, for which we are very grateful to him. Representing Andrew and his world-class bonsai ceramics has been an honour and a pleasure. In 2015, with the encouragement of Peter Warren and Akiyama San, Andrew was invited to take part in the 10th Annual Shohachi contest at the Gafu Ten in Kyoto, Japan. An incredible honour, especially as non-Japanese were not previously eligable to participated. Not only was Andrew the first non-Japanese artist invited to participate in this world leading contest, but he went on to take gold in the unglazed category! His attention to detail was outstanding, in both the razor sharp lines and relief carvings. In so doing, Andrew helped strengthen the bond with Japanese bonsai, and also open the gates for other leading artists across the world to be able enter this prestigious event. In 2015 Andrew also decided with friends and fellow well-known potters Tom Benda and Thor Holvila, to meet on a yearly basis at a new location, and produce unique artisanal pieces created as a fusion of three very different styles. The Triskele group was born.
As a thank you for my support, in 2018 the Triskele group kindly presented a wonderful pot to me in the form of Thor's hammer, 'Mjölnir'. Something I will always treasure and am eternally grateful for. Andrew was also a big fan of studio ceramics, and I was always absorbed when I got the chance to see his collection. Especially fascinating to him were the Mashiko style works resulting from the collaboration between Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada in the 1920's, and the great artists this movement has produced since.
In a professional capacity, Andrew spent 7 years as a paramedic before joining Transport for London in 1998, to which he dedicated the next 26 years. After just 3 years he had become a fire compliance specialist, at which he excelled. A decade later, in 2011, Andrew progressed to Fire Engineer, which he continued to thrive at until his untimely passing. At the end of January 2025, Andrew was due to retire from his work at the London Underground, to concentrate on his ceramics full time. Andrew was very well known in the global bonsai community. He was a multi-award winning artist, and was the feature of a multitude of articles in various magazine and book publications. Many bonsai potters, including some of Europe & America's most celebrated, have benefited from the help and words of advice of this great artist. Andrew liked to share his knowledge to the benefit of other artists and to improve bonsai ceramics in general. Andrew's legacy will live on, in those touched by his generous nature, in his thousands of exquisite creations, and through his impact on European and global bonsai ceramics. A memorial will be held for Andrew on Saturday 4th January... A notice from Andrew's wife, Marie: A memorial will be held for Andrew on Saturday 4th January, 2025 – 1pm start. The Community Centre - Tn126eb Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood, Kent. ◦ We will be there until 7pm, you are welcome to stay as long as you wish ◦ We have booked the whole centre where is plenty of parking and everyone is welcome. ◦ no dress code, just wear your favourite outfit. ◦ If you'd like to make a gift we're setting up a Justgiving page for donations to The Ambulance Staff Charity. ◦ It's an easy walk from Paddock Wood Train Station. ◦ Please let me know if you intend to come for catering purposes and any dietary requirements. ◦ Also, please let me know if you would like to say something. ◦ Please use this email: [email protected] *Also use this email for any messages, memories and photographs of Andy you wish to share. Goodbye my dear friend. Rest in peace. ……After many years of an ‘open invite’, we are delighted to announce that the well-known & much-loved French artist ‘Greg-Ceramics’ of France is now officially a member of the EBPC family. Please JOIN US in WELCOMING Greg to the EBPC, your comments are interactions are much appreciated and help spread the word! With artists as celebrated as Greg however, it is easy and a pleasure!! This highly acclaimed artist was eligible to join from the beginning. Greg has been enabling and inspiring the bonsai community for well over a decade with his distinguished and often intricate creations, and the EBPC are honoured to recommend highly Greg’s wonderful artisan bonsai ceramics. WELCOME GREG to the EBPC !! Greg has created a wonderful collection of pots for EBPC customers, which we are very proud to release this Sunday at the UK’s premiere bonsai show – Bonsai Expo UK! .. A taster for you. These bespoke artisanal pots are EBPC stamped and made to exacting standards, in Greg’s unmistakable and distinctive style. A special batch of pots! 3 of these were the pots Greg displayed at this year's 'Bonsai Trophy Exhibition' and will forever be recorded in the Trophy annual book. Great forms and exceptional organic glazed finishes, where muted tones meet blossoming crystal formations. We thank you for supporting the EBPC, and great artists like Greg Ceramics. #Europeanbonsaipottercollective #gregceramics #ebpcstampedpots #ebpcpots #bonsaiexpouk #BonsaiExpo #ebpcmember PLEASE give a WARM EBPC WELCOME to our new Members – the truly lovely and extremely talented couple; Nadja & Sandro Tschudin of Switzerland - aka Kawasemi Studios! The EBPC are thrilled to be working with Nadja & Sandro, and to be able to bring their expertise and wealth of knowledge to you!
... As a bonsai related artform, Suiseki has long been displayed at high level bonsai exhibitions, both as an accent with a tree, as well as on their own. Thanks to their high power of suggestion, such stones reflect the essence of landscapes, people, animals and other objects. Through the art of suiseki, Kawasemi Studios help us to experience the entire universe and cultivate a mindful approach to ourselves and others. 'Our aim is to provide everything you need for Suiseki: stones, the wooden bases, Suiban, matching scrolls and also education and knowledge. Like this we want to share our love for stones and fine arts as well as raise people's awareness of how to combine elements in displays'. Kawasemi add an exciting new dimension to the EBPC. We are delighted to welcome Nadja & Sandro into the EBPC family and look forward to learning more about the world of Suiseki and Kawasemi Studios. You can view Kawasemi's POTTER PROFILE & GALLERY of WORKS here! Thank you for supporting the EBPC and great European Bonsai Potters.
Your support enables us to bring you more .. More Info, more Choice & more Value! Pictured above is the plaque recording and celebrating all of the stamps and signatures used by Andrew Pearson of Stone Monkey Ceramics throughout his career. Currently the only such plaque in existence, Andrew kindly produced this for the EBPC to be used for pot displays and it can be seen above in the company of plaques by Japanese greats - Gyouzan, Bigei, Reiho, and Kakuzan.
Revered across the bonsai world, Stone Monkey Ceramics comprehends and is conscious of the the tree-pot marriage and produces excellent designs, in a variety of forms and finishes that suit trees impeccably. As the first Westener to have been invited to participate in the world's leading bonsai exhibition and small pot contest, 'The Gafu-ten', (which he won first place in the unglazed section!!) we thought it fitting to have such a plaque made by Andrew - the first by a European potter as far as we know. The EBPC are proud to support such artists, and we are very excited to be able to offer a range of 20 exclusive pots by this leading artist - COMING VERY SOON! Thank you for supporting the EBPC and great European bonsai ceramics. Introducing Second Generation Holvila. 熊谷As many have been following through his fascinating blog, EBPC potters Thor Holvila and Carina Jern have just spent a month in Japan working alongside one of Japan’s most famous and well respected bonsai potters; ‘Shuhu’ - Hidemi Kataoka of Tokoname, amongst others. This article is an announcement and celebration of the ‘second generation’ of Thor Holvila’s works. Don’t miss this article (available soon...) on the experiences of Carina Jern on this momentous journey. The invitation came as quite a surprise, as this has not really been done between the west and Japan since the great friendship between Bernard Leech and Shoji Hamada in the early part of the 20th century. Thor and Carina hastily accepted this great honour and started packing for a journey into the unknown. Having been a dedicated fan of Holvila’s work for 3 years now, it has been enthralling watching his artwork evolve and getting to know the fascinating man behind the pots. Thor’s passion for nature and art are quite inspiring, as is his humble nature and work ethic. Perhaps it was these qualities as well as his talent in pottery that appealed to the Japanese psyche. Holvila pots reflect the rugged, yet extremely beautiful surroundings around Sweden’s valleys and mountains. Works are influenced by the sense of immense power and peace felt gazing at a glacier, or the serenity of a waterfall scene. Thor’s work is now very popular in America and Australia, in addition to here in Europe, and twice this year Holvila pots have been recognised and praised in Japanese bonsai magazines; ‘Bonsai Shunju’ and ‘Bonsai World’. Which in itself, is quite an accolade! Thor and Kataoka san shared knowledge and techniques, which the enthusiastic Thor soaked up like a sponge. Needless to say, friendships were born and some wonderful pots were made in the process. The pots shown are quite obviously Holvila pots, but with a definite and complimentary Japanese influence. The first has smooth lines, a beautiful shiro glaze and superb Holvila ‘skull feet’. The second is an evolution of the ‘Gotham’ design (a pot EBPC spotted and released in the EBPC webstore!), in a deep ruri glaze. In addition to working alongside Kataoka san, Thor also spent time with other legendary potters, such as: the great Koyo (Aiba Koichiro), his son Juko (Kuniaki Aiba), Ikkou (Kazuhiro Watanabi), Bigei (Hirata Atsumi) and Eimie, (Hideaki Shimizu) son of Youzan. Towards the end of the month’s visit, as a further mark of respect, Thor was honoured by the gift of a new potter’s stamp and name. As he stands between the mountains of east and west, he has been given the name ‘熊谷 (くまたに), or in English - kuma tani – Bear of the valley. Dalbjörnen in Swedish :) This new hanko / mark will be used for all future Valley Bear (Thor Holvila) pots and represents a new era of works, distinct from the ‘pre-Japan’ era. In Japan, ‘generation’ can also mean ‘era’ in this way and some Japanese potters will call themselves second generation as their work evolves markedly in this manner. Bear retires to the valley ...The effect of these four weeks in Valley Bear’s work will be exciting to witness. Now back home however, and before even attempting to catch up on sleep, Thor has already been busy creating more inspired pieces! ... The EBPC are very proud to welcome ‘Valley Bear’; second generation Holvila. Thor Holvila pots are available from the EBPC web store at www.bonsai4me.com/shop
New 'EBPC stamp' for finer worksLook out in the future for pots which bear 2 stamps - The potter's, and the European Bonsai Potter Collective's. These two stamps together will act as a further sign of quality, and the EBPC stamp will only be used for finer works produced specifically for the EBPC. The idea, born from some of the potters in the Collective is one of many the Collective will realise to ensure the best pots are brought to you for the best value. Collector pieces of the future! Easily recognisable stamp! The EBPC stamp and logo represents the bottom of a round bonsai pot, complete with drainage and wire holes. This logo has been replicated and simplified for the EBPC potter's stamp. |
December 2024